Black agate
Back on the boat our loot included Conus glans, stercus; Muscarium and Scabreusculus, Cypraea chinensis and poraria; Lambis
lambis (by the dozen); Rapa violacea; Nassarius papillosus; Oliva miniacea; Mitra ambigus; Murex adusta and triqueter to name
a few.
After lunch we traveled further into the Bay and dove again with about similar results. About 3 P.M. we anchored all the way
inside the Bay and could even see some native huts on the beach. The water still was deep but more dirty here. We were told
that Selangium Bay is used as an anchorage for the U.S. Navy Fleet during the typhoon season and I can easily believe this as
it is 50' deep all over right up to 100 feet off shore.
Anyway, into shore three of us went. The rest of the party were too tired to dive anymore. The reef, as such, was all dead
and very dirty, only about 3' deep too. We spread out and started to look over the area. It was mostly dead silty slabs of
coral and dead coral heads to turn over. Only a few Lambis and Cypraea erosa were found and nothing else. As I was about to
give up and head back to the boat with the other divers, I noticed a small, dirty sand patch about 4" x 12" with two
elongated humps sticking out of it. As this was just a glance I didn't think much of it, till I remembered the shape of a
shell shown in Webb's Handbook, Plate 5, see #8, and instantly it came to me what Webb said, "I have had these from the west
coast of Luzon" which is where I was today. Before me, in 3' of dirty, muddy water was a perfect pair (alive) of Murex clavus
- a synonym for Murex elongatus. My joy was boundless and I had everyone in the boat looking for this rarity in no time. We
spent till almost dusk, but to no avail. There just were no Murex elongatus on that reef anywhere.
We had a bit of a time getting home as the boat's running lights were burned out, and we hadn't planned on traveling after
dark. The moon was out and all went well till we came to Subic Bay. From here on we were in the main channel that the
aircraft carriers use and it was a scary run into port, but we made it O.K. Everyone had a good time and for me it was one of
the finest diving trips I had made in years. No doubt, we and many others will go back to Selangium Bay as these were the
first 2 live Murex elongatus found in this area with accurate locality data, from what I can gather talking to the local
divers and shell collectors. The natives bring them to Manila from the Sulu Sea area but never seem to know exactly how or
where they are found.
The Murex elongatus were covered with seaweed and moss and blended in well with the dirty brown to black reef. With their odd
shape too, they don't look like a normal sea shell at all.
Take for example the splendid cone, Conus prometheus Hwass (which is considered to be the world's largest cone). This shell,
while not rare, is infrequently secured by the Tipos Indicenas tribes, being worn as both an ornament and symbol of wealth by
women of the tribe. The tops of the large cones are neatly sliced off and dangle from strings of beads or leather thongs down
the back of the wearer or hang between their breasts. As a well-to-do native will exchange as much as a full grown cow for a
fine specimen of this shell, it is little wonder that collectors find them difficult to obtain.
Also very popular are the smaller and often rare Cypraea of the region such as zonaria gambiensis, picta, sanguinolenta,
petitiana, and even the West African form of lurida which are formed into strings for head and neck decoration, suplimented
with the more readily secured Cypraea annulus.
To a dedicated collectors, such use of rarities may well seem a desecration of fine shells. However, one had best look at it
philosophically with the thought that the major purpose of shells (once the animal who created them has ceased to have use
for its home) is to bring pleasure to the possessor either asthetically or scientifically and who can say who enjoys them
the most, the native or the specialist. many shells that come from deeper waters.
We left the Navy Base in Central Zambales at 5 A.M. on December 14, 1963 and traveled south to Subic Bay. There we boarded a
40' boat that I had chartered for the day. Ten Shell Collectors (including wives) and my two children went along on this
We traveled out of Subic Bay by 8 A.M. and around the southern tip of Zambales along the West Coast of Luzon or South China
Sea to the first big Bay on the coast.
It is called Selangium Bay and is nearly 2 miles long by 2000 feet wide, all reefs and quiet water. We anchored a few hundred
yards in the Bay in about 40' of water at 10 A.M. The reef came up at a 60 degree angle here and you are in 5 to 10 feet of
water. I was the first one in the water and soon picked up a large purple mouth Pleuroploca trapezium that my little girl had
seen from the boat through a view box (or lookie-lookie box). After handing her this shell I swam but a few yards and found a
large 8" pair of Lambis chiragra. I felt this would prove to be a good shelling spot, after such quick luck. (Altogether we
got 8 specimens of L. chiragra)
In two hours of diving for shells in sand, under rocks and breaking coral with a crow bar we all came up with about 100
species of shells over 1" long. On my way back to the boat the last rock I flipped over had a 4" tiger cowry under it much to
my surprise since most of the Cypraea tigris we get in the Philippine are 2" to 3". This was the largest specimen I had seen
outside of Philippines.
black agate,nassa,oliva,troka,capiz,luhuanus,mello,violet oyster shell heishe,puka,black agate
Black agate brown lip item mello novelty strombus canarium troca female natural polished abalone enlay shell inlayed conus sowerby white clam raw shells cyprea mauretiana ornament cardium cardissa gift items ovula ovum inlaid capis shells.
black agate