Casis bibex
You will note that Area 4 is about 18 feet (3 fathoms) deeper than the area immediately off-shore. In this deep water (12
fathoms) lies a large expanse of deep sand in constantly moving windrows. This area has produced only sand dwellers common in
most such habitats of Philippines. The only exceptional shell collected from this area were quite large Terebra maculata.
Area 5 is also quite barren since it is basically deep coral in heavy windrows. Trochus intextus and Turbo intercostalis are
the only shells found regularly in this area. Both shells being quite common in areas much easier to collect from than this.
In a sand patch between two windrows of coral I did collect my first live Tonna perdix and, in another nearby spot, my first
live Tritonalia tritonis. On the inshore edge of this area I also collected a dead specimen of Murex elongatus. The second
specimen of this shell found at Barber's Point was collected along the dashed line just under the letter "n" in pipeline.
Area 6 of those under discussion is probably my favorite collecting area. Shells are not too plentiful but those found are
usually uncommon, rare, very rare, or extremely rare species. All shells listed for Area 2 have been collected in this area.
In addition the following shells have been found: Murex pele Under coral. Murex insularum Under coral or in open. Cypraea cernica (2) Under small pieces of coral. Clivipolia fragaria (1) Under small coral chunk. Conus circumactus (1) -In large coral head. Fusinus species (3) On coral bottom in open. Cypraea rashleighana (3) Under small coral slabs. Conus acutangulus (3) In sandy silt. Casmaria vibex (2) In silt under coral rubble. Codakia thaanumi (2) In silty bottom. Nodipectin langfordi In silty bottom. Tellina crassiplicata In silty bottom. Glycymeris diomedea In silty bottom. Terebra subulata (1)- In sandy patch. Conus spiceri (2) Under large coral head. Harpa amouretta (1) In silty patch.
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Casis bibex strombus mariabelles landsnail shells pendants rapa - rapana brown lip pecten palleum nasa shell cyprea arabeca sea urchin black olive pawa silver mouth craft white clam yellow punaw trocca shells anklets conus marmereous leis.
casis bibex