Another very important paper was published by Hidalgo around 1907. Although it was not illustrated, it was the first
significant collation of all the previous workers' efforts; he compiled a list of all known cowries and their authors, and
attempted to relate the species and their variants in an orderly way. Hidalgo failed, however, to recognize geographically
remote populations as distinct races; thus we have in Hidalgo another lumper--but nevertheless a very important man in the
Cypraea field.
Of course we all know about the Kiener, (1845), Reeve, (1845), and Sowerby, (1870) monographs; these are primary tools for a
worker in Cypraea, as these authors furnished excellent colored illustrations of the species known to them. I will not dwell
on these three, as they should be fairly familiar to most of you.
I would, however, like to show you the plates of one of the lesser-known cowrie monographs, the 1881 work by Weinkauff; I
have color slides of these plates with me tonight and am happy to share them with you after having to search the world over
-- unsuccessfully -- to try to obtain a copy of this rare book. These slides were made from a borrowed copy, one of the very
few known, remaining at this time in private hands.
Both men decided to make a "'Molluscan Survey" of the coast by dredging and skin-diving from Rio de Janerio to Rio Grande do
Norte including the Fernando de Noronha Ids. which are located 800 kilometers from the mainland. In so doing, they collected
over 50 species of shells not recorded from this area, as well as over 20 species thought to be new to science.
Off Bahia, they collected over six specimens of the rare Strombus goliath and were able to lay out the growth series shown on
page 5 [above].
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