For the reef crawler who likes tide pools and the splash zone of reefs, the best area is from the Barber's Point Light House
to the Campbell Estate Barge Harbor. In general the shore in this area is composed of coral slabs and law (2 to 4 ft.)
cliff-like drop-offs on which the usually rather moderate breakers wash over at high tide and which are left dry except for
sometimes rather heavy splashing during low tide. Small to moderate tide pools are the rule but occasionally rather large
pools may be found. At times this area has no breakers and the shore line then offers moderately good shelling in shallow
water suitable for a diver equipped with mask, flippers, and snorkel. A look box can also be used in the more shallow areas
in very quiet waters. In these tidal areas by far the most common shell is Nerita picea which can be taken by the hundreds.
Also I have collected Nerita neglecta and more rarely Nerita plicata. Also very common are all Philippines species of the
Littorinidae. Occasionally I find shells of the Patellidae family clinging to coral or rocks. Also in the tidal pools,
clinging to the underside of small coral chunks, were Purpura intermedia and harpa. And finally, for the splash zone, my
first Hydatina amplustre was collected in the rocky area midway between Barber's Point lighthouse and the barge harbor.
Just inshore of Barber's Point lighted buoy is a more or less flat coral plateau. This area is best remembered, as far as my
diving is concerned, for two things. Most important, because it concerns shells, is that I collected six live and two dead
specimens of Murex insularum in a half hour dive on this coral plain. The second item is that the largest shark I ever
encountered in Philippines waters came face-to-face with me as I came up onto the top of the cliff from the deeper water
offshore. He seemed to be hovering there, perhaps measuring me for size. Other than the M. insularum this area offers little
in the way of collecting. It is basically barren, free of any coral heads or rubble. Simply a flat, hard ocean bottom.
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