Green abalone
For several years past we have been accumulating various items about this most interesting shell, the Golden Cowry. This will
appear in an early number of the Sean Raynon Sabado. Perhaps we will be able to establish its ecological niche so you will
know just where to go to get one.
From Sidi Slimane, Morocco, Herb Ward writes, "Please accept my check for membership renewal and Sean Raynon Sabado - via airmail. Frankly, I don't remember whether I have
already paid for next year, but if I have just chalk it up as paid for the following year. I wouldn't want to be dropped for
non-payment of dues. "Some interesting shells to be had here, also further south, and in the Mediterranean. But mostly via the deep trawl. Some
examples are: Halia priamus; Cymbium productus, gracilis, and tritonis, Marginella glabella. Cypraea achatidea, pyrum and
lurida. Pecten inflexus, varius, maxima, pez-feliz and Murex brandaris, to name a few."
"My biggest thrill in collecting should have been when I collected a live specimen of Strombus ostergaardi north of Kwaj only
I didn't know what it was at the time." Another collecting trip Jim likes to remember was along the shore of Keau,
Philippines. "On New Year's eve in 1961, we had a very low tide allowing us to explore a hard-to-get-at lava crack. Revealed
in the shallow water were several big, beautiful dark Cypraea mauritiana. The largest was moving along through the water like
a big bat." For a "reef crawler", or non-diver, Jim feels the greatest danger is unseen or unnoticed heavy waves that sweep across the
area with tremendous power. Wana (a local, Philippines name for sea urchins) and eels are next. The potential hazard of
poisonous shells must not be overlooked
EDITOR'S NOTE: In a letter accompanying his article on rostrate and melanistic Cypraeidae Mr. Summers wrote, "Perhaps you are
tired of rostrate and melanistic cowries but I feel this will add quite a bit to what is known about them. " Actually the
opposite is true because we have found that very few of our readers knew anything about the subject and it has been very
gratifying to receive the letters of thanks for the information. Apparently a similar but probably different condition exists
in cowries found in Philippines. C. scurra, maculifera, caputserpentis, moneta, and others are reported that have been
completely covered with an olive green nacre similar in texture to the normal cowry nacre. Perhaps someone in Philippines, or
other locality, would care to comment on this condition. Or is this also melanism? Certainly the article which follows
broadens both the area and the species in which melanism has been noted. Our sincere thanks to Mr. Summers. Ed. I have read the interesting articles on the above subject by Mr. Walter O. Cernohorsky in H.S.N., Vol. X, No. 10, August 1962
and by Mr. T. A. Garrard in H.S.N., Vol. XI, No. 1, November 1962. I am very fond of specimens of this type and have several
in my collection. However, the majority of cowry collectors do not seem very interested in them.
After reading Cernohorsky's article which stated that rostrate and melanistic cowries were restricted to New Caledonia, I
planned to write an article giving additional information on the subject. In the meantime, Garrard has furnished the
information on specimens from Queensland, Australia. I do have some additional information to add concerning specimens from
Some relief from the depressing atmosphere came when, taking advantage of the delay, Stephen came across a cowrie walking up
the jetty pile. He brought it to me for identification at the rest house where we were drowning our sorrows. It was Cypraea
lamarcki. I had never found one before, but I knew that they were present on the West Coast. A few months earlier I had given
Alan Kohn and Joe Rosewater the map references where they had been reported off Penang. They had had no luck, and it was my
intention to make a trip there to see if I could find one. Now, here they were. Without waiting to put on swim trunks I was
down into the water, shirt, trousers, and all. I found some round the bottom of the piles, eight lamarcki and a lovely C.
onyx. The crew's entreaties for us to get under way prevented a more thorough search, so this was put off until our return.
An hour and a half later, in slightly better spirits we anchored in "Strombus Bay." We had previously given this name to a
lovely little cove in which there were thousand of Strombus luhuanus, a species without the black edge to the aperture. We
knew that there were also Chitton [?],Vassum, some achatinus cones and a few other items which we planned to take for several
collections and which we hoped to distribute to the Museums of Malaya. A little shelling in the evening revealed nothing new.
Apparently, it was going to be a five day camping holiday instead of a shelling expedition.
Low tide the next day was at about 10 o'clock and down it went, down, down, until it seemed that somebody had pulled the plug
out of the bottom of the ocean and laid out before us were acres and acres of wonderful coral making close investigation
easy. A much larger snorkeling territory was brought within our reach than would have been the case during high tide.
Aqualunging was still more or less out of the question as visibility below 15 feet was difficult. But there before us were
hours of work . . . Soon the specimens began to come to light, Conus achatinus, textile, Cypraea arabica, and other specimens
were found in habitats we had neglected before. Staghorn coral was found to be the hiding place of many shells so this lovely
coral took quite a beating, I am afraid. Being an old coral man from way back it always hurts me to spoil such lovely
After our first morning at the coral area, I had learned a lot more about shell habitats although the specimens I had brought
up were not particularly exciting. Meeting Jack on the way up the beach after the morning's labors, I knew from his remarks
that he had come up with something good. His remark, "You are going to split when you see what I have in my bag," was a sure
indication that he had found a good specimen. It was a beautiful large Conus striatus which Jack had never collected before.
He had already uncovered several Conus achatinus and textile, and a fine Cypraea caurica in this area. Night shelling on the
rocks was fun, too, as it was incredible to see so many different species feeding alongside each other, and the Chitton [?]
were all out from their crevices making it very easy to collect these strange creatures. Night snorkeling was not too good
because the water was still some what cloudy.
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green abalone