As each fragment is pried off it is checked for shells and then tossed into the area previously cleared. The reason for this
method is that some shells drop off the coral the moment it is disturbed. Others hang on momentarily then drop off. After the
coral-head has been demolished, I again check each piece previously tossed aside, searching for any shells that might still
be clinging to the coral or that have dropped off as the coral hit the cleared area. By this time the area originally
occupied by the coral-head should have cleared up and I start fanning the silt under the coral-head.
In 40 to 50 feet of water a coral-head such as this might produce several species of Cypraea, the species depending on the
marine growth in the coral. Most Cypraea tessellata that I have collected have been found in such a coral-head and almost
always there was a brownish, leaf-like algal growth into which the tessellata blended perfectly. If the coral-head contained
a reddish, sponge-like growth, Cypraea fimbriata, teres, gaskoini, and rashleighana might be found. If a brilliant, yellowish
growth is present no shells are likely to be found. Most Cypraea will be found in the upper branches of the coral head.
Shells, like gold, are where you find them. But certain shells live in well defined areas and habitats. Definite techniques
must be developed for working each of the various habitats of the many species of shells found on Oahu. Probably the most
difficult habitat to work are the large coral heads.
Isolated coral heads located in sand flats, or in sloping hard pan areas, are much more apt to produce good shelling than
areas covered with windrows of coral formations. A good shelling area is shown in the photo.
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