Murex zamboi
Mr. Anthony Kalnins, 244 Corinthian Road, Riverton, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, writes: "In the July number you wrote that Mr. Max Cramer of Geraldton, W.A., had the first live-collected Cypraea marginata. But
that is not correct. My friend Mrs. McDaniels of Broome has a very nice marginata in her collection, taken alive several
years ago by a cray-fisherman near Dongara, W.A. This shell is very large and has nice blackish-brown spots, sparingly, all
over the top of the shell."
From A. R. Bowman, Adelaide Park Road, Yeppoon, Queensland, Australia, comes this letter: "My friend, Ray Summers, is anxious to tell all Cypraea lovers that he now believes C. saulae jensostergaardi, does not
exist in Queensland waters.
"A few beautiful C. saulae nugata were found on the mainland shores of Yeppoon, Central Queensland, about 1952-53. I also
found a smaller, quite differently colored one, on one of the Keppel Islands. This one, and a mainland one, I sent to Ray
Summers. He was pleased with the nugata from Yeppoon and very interested in the pale Keppel Island form, which he said
exactly fitted the description of jensostergaardi. Professor Ostergaard had seen the holotype of jensostergaardi, and he also
"Later, in 1960, I had the luck to fish up a rare saulae variety on a piece of dead coral I brought up on a fish hook off
Flat Rock (see Keppel Bay Tidings No. 1). This specimen seemed to Ray Summers to be between nugata and jensostergaardi. At
this time lie wondered if the deep-water and Keppel Island forms were jensostergaardi and the mainland forms nugata
Unfortunately, I did not know when I wrote my article, that Ray had had further opportunity to study this problem and thus
change his opinion.
"He was able to study a large number of Queensland specimens, all from one area, and found them so variable in size, color
and shape, that he decided there could be but one race involved, not jensostergaardi.
"So friends, it is C. saulae nugata for the Q'ld. shell and a beautiful little shell it is!"
The species was first described as Cypraea producta Gaskoin, 1836 - Proc. Zool. Soc., London, p. 200, without locality. The
holotype was figured by Sowerby, Reeve and Kiener, and was further illustrated by Sowerby (1870), Weinkauff and Tryon. In
1848, Gaskoin remarked, that further specimens have been brought to England by Capt. Sir Edward Belcher from H.M.S. Samarang,
and distributed into the cabinets of Miss Saul, Cuming, Gaskoin and others. The indication of Indonesia as locality had been
accepted on labels. The H.M.S. Samarang's voyage and collecting in the Moluccas was probably responsible for the choice of
locality. Iredale proposed the new genus Dolichupis (Mem. Qld. Mus. 10:83, 1930) for all Trivia with produced extremities, and
designated C. producta Gaskoin, as type species. Iredale's genus Dolichupis is used here in a subgeneric sense. The same
author established Trivellona excelsa (Rec. Aust. Mus., 18:221, pl. 24, figs. 13 & 14, 1931), for a shell dredged in 50 - 70
fathoms off Montague Island, SE-Australia. Examination of Iredale's holotype in the Australian Museum (a dead, anteriorly
somewhat worn specimen), proved T. excelsa to be identical with Pusula (Dolichupis) producta (Gaskoin, 1836), and at best
meriting subspecific status on a geographic basis only. As Iredale's T. excelsa had been mis-identified or presumed different
originally, the genus name Trivellona has no standing.
The following names should be treated as synonyms: amabilis Jousseaume 1881 = walkeri; merista Iredale 1939 = continens;
barbara Kenyon 1902 and rossiteri Dautzenberg 1903 = bregeriana. The juvenile Ipserronea problematica Iredale 1935 surely
does not belong to walkeri (as Allan 1956, Cowry Shells p. 49 suggested), but to Erronea pyriformis Gray 1824 (see Iredale
1939, Austr. Zoologist 9:317).
In these years after World War II, many interesting cowries have been collected, and much new information became known to us,
also concerning walkeri, so that we were obliged to revise our views, both with regard to taxonomy and distribution.
Taxonomy: The East Australian continens cannot be separated from the Malayan surabajensis; but there seems also to be no
constant character of the Lemurian walkeri, though the latter seems to be generally smaller, paler, and less zonate than the
Malayan "race'' (which should be called continens by law of priority). Whereas the Philippine shells from Siassi Is. are
usually very large (30 to 35 mm.) and dark (dorsal zone vividly brown, well marked, aperture purple throughout), a population
from Ubey on Bohol Is. (destroyed in the museum of Hamburg, one shell No. 3120 in my collection excepted) recalls the
Lemurian shells in size (17 to 25 mm.) and color (creme, zones obsolete, interstices of columellar teeth only pale purplish).
Therefore all specimens from Lemuria to the Philippines and Queensland should be called walkeri. However, the New Caledonian
race bregeriana has proved to be of almost specific rank, and is characterized by tiny opaque white specks embedded into the
glossy orange base and margins, like no other cowry species, Chelycypraea testudinaria Linnaeus excepted: these white specks
are never absent in well preserved bregeriana (though overlooked by its author!), and generally are recognizable in beach
shells too; but they have never been observed in any walkeri coming from farther west than New Caledonia (Joanett Is.
excepted, see below).
Distribution: The areas from which walkeri has been known to the writer till 1941 have been marked by black circles (walkeri)
and triangles (bregeriana) in the map: The three races of walkeri mentioned above seem to be separated by zones uninhabited
by the species. However, after World War II many new localities became known to us which fill up these gaps, or extend the
limits in northern, eastern, and southern direction. Therefore the following areas should be added, which have been marked,
on the map, by empty circles and triangles respectively:
murex zamboi,export,shells bracelet,mop shell raw,earrings,wallers,pokalet,silver mouth,shell leis,murex zamboi
Murex zamboi pillary hair shell jewelry s blacktab black lip brown lip distrosioanus tuna fasciolata troka shell pendants seashells components shell inlayed shell carrier pyrum capiz lamps chama lazarus monggo shell black tab frogshell.
murex zamboi