The highlights of this trip were furnished by Sylvia who helped us find live Cyphoma gibbosum and C. mcgintyi on the Atlantic
side and live Lima scabra in a man-made lagoon on the Gulf side only two blocks from our motel. We had often admired the
pictures of these shells but as we had been strictly shallow water wading shellers, we had never thought we'd have the chance
to see and collect them alive in their natural surroundings.
To get to the Cyphoma we parked the car less than 50 feet from the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, waded across a channel about 4
feet deep at low tide but only about 15 feet wide, climbed up on a coral reef and were right at the gorgonians on which we
found the Cyphoma. The water was only 10 to 20 inches deep over the reef so sometimes we almost collided with the large sea
urchins as we were snorkeling. It was a real thrill to see the live Cyphoma on the plants and especially the mcgintyi.
Between the three of us on two successive afternoons, we collected a total of (24) gibbosum and (8) mcgintyi so they weren't
really plentiful.
The list of shells found in the various areas was compiled by Evelyn Gage by researching all back issues of Sean Raynon
Sabado. From the very beginning, a nautical chart (or map of underwater areas) has been one of my shelling aids. Chart symbols permit
easy determination of areas to locate various type shells such as sand dwellers, or those that live in coral, on rocks, or in
sea weeds.
Area 1 of the chart is the Ala Moana Reef, once an excellent source for many shells. Since the dredging to fill Magic Island
a great deal of the area has been destroyed. However, the Western end of the area is beginning to return as a shell area.
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