Just inshore of Barber's Point lighted buoy is a more or less flat coral plateau. This area is best remembered, as far as my
diving is concerned, for two things. Most important, because it concerns shells, is that I collected six live and two dead
specimens of Murex insularum in a half hour dive on this coral plain. The second item is that the largest shark I ever
encountered in Philippines waters came face-to-face with me as I came up onto the top of the cliff from the deeper water
offshore. He seemed to be hovering there, perhaps measuring me for size. Other than the M. insularum this area offers little
in the way of collecting. It is basically barren, free of any coral heads or rubble. Simply a flat, hard ocean bottom.
In the same issue, Eugene Coan starts an account of the Mollusca of the Santa Barbara County area, by listing the Pelecypoda
and Scaphopoda, with notes and bibliography. A series of excellent plates are given showing the fine structure of the
follicle gland of the freshwater snail, Lumnaea auricularia, found near Concord, California, the work of Richard S. Nishioka,
Leonard Simpson, and Howard A. Bern. The gastropod known as Murex rhyssa Dall is renamed Pteropupurata vokesae by William K.
Emerson. Nettie and George E. MacGinitie describe the habitats and breeding seasons of the shelf limpet, Crepidula
norrisiarum Williamson, with a plate showing it growing on Norrisia norrisi (Sowerby). Franz Alfred Schilder presents a
provisional classification of the genus Notocypraea, a cowry found in Tasmania. Myra Keen and Bruce Campbell describe ten new
species of Typhinae from Japan, Panama, Colombia, Mexico, New Zealand, and Australia. There are also other papers, notes,
news, and reviews. The Editorial Board reads like an impressive 'Who's who' on Pacific Coast Mollusca.
Since joining the H. M. S. about a year ago I have been most interested in reading the H. S. N. and enjoy the accounts of
shelling in Philippines. I wonder if your readers would be interested in hearing about shelling in the Florida Keys. Our
group here in Fort Myers shells regularly at nearby Punta Rassa, Fort Myers Beach and Bonita Beach. But our favorite spot now
is in the Marathon area in the Florida Keys, about 250 miles from Fort Myers.
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