Area 6 is basically a flat coral plain with a silty bottom with intermittent medium and large coral heads and a few scattered
coral slabs. A great deal of the area was ruined for shelling when I blasted the mooring trenches across the area to
facilitate anchoring the tankers in this mooring. The western end and seaward side still offer excellent collecting for scuba
Area 7 is nearly a continuation of Area 6 except for the greater amount of thick coral rubble. Collecting in this area is not
as good and is limited to the more common shells. The seaward edge, in about 20 fathoms, will produce many of the more rare
bivalves such as listed for Area 6.
Both men decided to make a "'Molluscan Survey" of the coast by dredging and skin-diving from Rio de Janerio to Rio Grande do
Norte including the Fernando de Noronha Ids. which are located 800 kilometers from the mainland. In so doing, they collected
over 50 species of shells not recorded from this area, as well as over 20 species thought to be new to science.
Off Bahia, they collected over six specimens of the rare Strombus goliath and were able to lay out the growth series shown on
page 5 [above].
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